
Ten Grand Mega Slam

Who: Levels 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, Open Class. Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles

When: October 5-6

Where: Minnetonka Mega

How to register: Registration is through Pickleball Brackets. Click HERE to go to the registration page, and to get all the details!

Registration Ends: October 1st.

Cost: $50 per person for skill divisions, $60 per person for open divisions.

APA Tournament

Who: All levels. Play is divided first by level, then by age bracket.

When: October 12-13

Where: Miinnetonka Mega

How to register: Registration is through APA Tournaments. Click HERE to get more information and to register. 

Registration Ends: October 8th

Cost: $85 for your first event, $75 for your second event