Skill Level Ratings


All the classes, open play sessions, leagues, are all based on your rating. How do you find out what your rating is?

There is an app called DUPR – available for your phone – that is making some headway on this question. Download the app, set up a free account, and tag Mega as your club! When you enter your game scores, the algorithm will eventually give you a score, and gradually become more accurate as you play more people and enter your score.

Sign up for and play in a tournament. You will receive a rating from that. Although it would help you to sign up for the correct level if you already knew your approximate rating.

For those who aren’t ready for DUPR or tournament competition, you can self select a rating by using the chart below. Your rating will only be as good as you are honest and accurate in your self-assessment. But it’s a start!

WHat's My Rating?